Thursday 25 June 2015

Video Resolution based on "ASPECT RATIO" by Kokil Sandeep

    Here we go, most of the Film technicians don't know why Film video is having film scope/black mask/squeezed.
let us discuss and clear the doubts;

1.   In olden days 1st generation of 'Film Video' was in the 4:3 Aspect ratio and 'TV' also in 4:3 Aspect ratio, so both TV and 'Film Video' aspect ratio were in same, thats why the Film video was fit into TV and displayed in full screen mode.

'Film video' Aspect ratio 4:3                    'TV' Aspect ratio 4:3  

                                             Both TV and video aspect ratio match (same) 

4:3 Aspect ratio (Box shape/slightly square shape)
       1. Standard definition (SD) - 720 Width X 480 Height (Pixels) 

                                                                                                                              - N Kokil Sandeep 

2.    In 2nd generation of 'Film Video' Aspect ratio changed into 16:9(wide)  and 'TV' was still in 4:3 Aspect ratio. so TV and 'Film Video' aspect ratio did not matched, thats why 'Film Video' did not displayed in full screen mode. there we got effect called 'black mask', without knowing this fact, most of the film technicians started to call it as Film scope/squeeze/black mask...!!!!!

'Film video' Aspect ratio 16:9 (wide)                                                         'TV' Aspect ratio 4:3  

                               TV and 'Film Video' aspect ratio did not matched

16:9 Aspect ratio (wide/Rectangle shape)
Resolution: 100% width X 56.25% height

       1. Standard definition (SD) - 640 Width X 480 Height (Pixels) 
       2. High Definition (HD) - 1280 Width X 720 Height (Pixels) 
       3. Full High Definition (FULL HD) - 1920 Width X 1080 Height (Pixels) 

                                                                                                                                  - N Kokil Sandeep

3.    As in 2nd generation of 'Film Video' Aspect ratio is in 16:9(wide) and also 'TV' Aspect ratio changed into 16:9(wide), so both TV and 'Film Video' aspect ratio were in same, thats why the Film video was fit into TV and displayed in full screen mode.

'Film video' Aspect ratio 16:9 (wide)                                                'TV' Aspect ratio 16:9 (wide)  

Both TV and video aspect ratio match (same)
                                                                                                                                      - N Kokil Sandeep

4.    In 3rd generation of 'Film Video' Aspect ratio changed into 21:9(wide) and 'TV' was still in 16:9 Aspect ratio. so TV and 'Film Video' aspect ratio did not matched, thats why 'Film Video' did not displayed in full screen mode. there we got effect called 'black mask', without knowing this fact, most of the film technicians started to call it as Film scope/squeeze/black mask...!!!!!

 'Film video' Aspect ratio 21:9 (wide)    

'TV' Aspect ratio 16:9 (wide)  

TV and 'Film Video' aspect ratio did not matched

21:9 Aspect ratio (wide/Rectangle shape)
Resolution: 100% width X 42.1875% height

       1. High Definition (HD) - 1280 Width X 540 Height (Pixels) 
       2. Full High Definition (FULL HD) - 1920 Width X  810 Height (Pixels) 
       3. 2K - 2560 Width X 1080 Height (Pixels) 
       4. 4k - 4096 Width X 1728 Height (Pixels) 

                                                                                                                                  - N Kokil Sandeep

Theatre screen Aspect ratio
Resolution: 100% width X 42.07% height
1. Full High Definition (FULL HD) - 1920 Width X  808 Height (Pixels)
2. 2K - 2048 width x 858 Height (Pixels)
3. 4k - 4096 width x 1716 height (Pixels)
                                                                                                                                      - N Kokil Sandeep

How to calculate resolution regarding aspect ratio 
1)  4:3 Aspect ratio
1. Divide 4 by 3 = 1.33333333
2. Now choose your width----> for example i will choose 720 width pixel
3. Divide width by 1.33------> 720 by 1.33 = 540

So we got Resolution 720 Width X 480 Height (Pixels) 

2) 16:9 Aspect ratio

1. Divide 16 by 9 = 1.77777778
2. Now choose your width----> for example i will choose 1280 width pixel
3. Divide width by 1.77777778------> 1280 width by 1.78 = 719.101124 (720) height 
                                                          1920 width by 1.78 = 1078.65 (1080) height

2) 21:9 Aspect ratio

1. Divide 21 by 9 = 2.33333333
2. Now choose your width----> for example i will choose 1280 width pixel
3. Divide width by  2.33333333------> 1280 width by 2.37 = 540.084388 (540) height
                                                           1920 width by 2.37 = 810.126582 (810) height
                                                           2048 width by 2.37 = 864.135021 (864) height 
                                                           4096 width by 2.37 = 1728.27004 (1728) height

                                                                                                                                 - N Kokil Sandeep

Here you can analyse what we get effect in TV, regarding Aspect ratio 

Article by N Kokil Sandeep
S/o Narayanappa and Sukanya N

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